
Oral Harvest
Hainan Senwons Group invested in Smile Dental Clinic in Yedao Plaza in central district, Haikou. The clinic established dental implants, orthodontics, cosmetic restoration, periodontal diagnosis and treatment, children’s diagnosis and treatment, oral prevention and health care centers, and in accordance with the standards of the dental hospital, and also set up digital image rooms, disinfection rooms, operating rooms, cold-light whitening rooms. It is a dental specialist outpatient that consists of medical, scientific research, prevention and health care. Smile Dental Clinic has studying dental industry for over 10 years, and is famous for its painless dental implants, orthodontic treatment, cosmetic teeth, all kinds of difficult inlay teeth, and maxillofacial trauma repair. The clinic has warm environment, professional technology, and high-quality service, and provides professional and pointed dental diagnosis. It is committed to creating the smile and protecting the tooth health.
Strictly observing national regulations for standard setting and normalized operation, the hospital engaged several orthodontics experts and professors well-known at home and broad to provide featured services in line with personalized demands for customers.
The hospital serves white-collar, medium and high income groups with advanced equipment, professional technique, good service and beautiful environment, so as to fully satisfy customers’ noble enjoyment.
International Standard
  • All operation and service procedures of Harvest are also in strict line with international standard: adopt internationally standardized “Four-hand Operation” and Italian all-computer “Three-time Forevacuum Sterilization System”.
  • introduce in French “Painless Treatment System” to quell customers’ fears towards oral treatment.
  • iconduct 3m Correction System to increase the success rate and shorten the course of treatment of correction.
International High Quality
Oral Harvest has all its equipment in line with international high quality, most of which are world-leading brands. The company has reached permanent cooperative agreement with American 3m Company and Densply Company, and German Vita Company and Ivoclar Vivadent Company. Besides, cooperating with Hong Kong Zijing Dental Material Co., Ltd. and Taiwan Dingyuan Dentistry Research Institute, Oral Harvest launched all ceramic systems such as Cercon computer all ceramic, Vita all ceramic, and Ivoclar all ceramic, so as to satisfy customers’ pursuit of high-standard dental aesthetic.
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